Welcome to POst 79

Our commitment to service traces its roots back to the end of World War II, when veteran volunteers first began helping other war veterans obtain the benefits promised them by the federal government. As the number of returning veterans swelled into the millions, it was evident that some sort of nationally organized assistance for them would be needed. The older established national groups wouldn’t do; the leaders of this new generation of veterans wanted their own organization.

  • 1. To serve our country in peace as in war; to build and maintain the welfare of the United States of America toward lasting prosperity and peace for all of its inhabitants.

    2. To encourage, in keeping with the policies of our government, the establishment of a plan to secure permanent international peace and to assist in the maintenance of international peace.

    3. To inspire in our membership a sense of responsibility, and to develop leadership for the preservation of our American democratic way of life.

    4. To help unify divergent groups in the overall interest of American democracy.

    5. To train our youth to become purposeful citizens in a democracy with full knowledge of the responsibilities as well as the privileges of citizenship.

    6. To cooperate with all duly recognized existing Veterans' organizations in the furtherance of the aims of Veterans.

    7. To insure the orderly return of Veterans to civilian life by protecting their rights as an individual while they are still in uniform.

    8. To expedite and assist in the rehabilitation of the Veteran by maintaining employment services, sponsoring educational opportunities and providing council on insurance, housing, recreation, personal problems, hospitalization and Veterans benefits.

    9. To act as liaison agent between the Veterans and the government.

    10. To provide an organization to encourage fellowship among all Veterans.

    11. To keep the public forever mindful that the Veterans of our Nations wars fought and served to preserve peace, liberty and democracy for all.

 Post 79 Leadership

Kevin Uhlman, Post Commander